Our house from the street
Bandit in the snow
Buddy in the snow
The boys and me
Since we got home sooner than we thought, I went ahead and put up the Christmas tree and decorations. Reuben protested some, but I did it anyway. I can't wait to put it up every year, but Reuben makes me wait until after Thanksgiving. I still have a Disney tree, but maybe next year I'll try and do something else. After that, I worked on cleaning my house. All of Reuben's brothers and his parents are coming here for Christmas this year, so I thought I'd get a head start. I have only cleaned 3 rooms so far: our bedroom and bathroom and the kitchen. I'm waiting on cleaning the living room because we bought a new living room set and the sofa isn't in yet. When I get everything looking decent, I'll post more pictures. I want it documented that I had a clean house at one time.
We are very excited to have everyone here. Most of all, we're glad we won't be driving. It's such a long drive, and we're getting too old to make it to Arkansas in one day! Plus, we'll get to show our two sisters-in-law around. Both of them are NOT Texans --Sara is an Arkansan and Kristina is from the North (I forget where!) so they need to experience Texas!
Our Christmas Tree