Monday, March 31, 2008

Sorting through our lives

Well, Reuben and I have begun the arduous task of packing things. I know, I know; we're not moving, yet. But regardless of how early it is, IT WILL HAPPEN. One thing is for sure--we won't be staying in Big Spring next year. It is sad because we have finally found a church home and many great friends (not to mention their kids!). I think of Donna as a substitute Mom for me since mine has been gone now for 10 years. Lauren and Scott have been great friends, always knowing when to invite us to do something when they know we need it. And everyone at church that makes us feel like a family. Likewise, the Mallett clan always welcomes us with open arms.
Needless to say; this is going to be tough on us. We are excited about the prospect of moving to a new place (hopefully more metropolitan than Big Spring). But we are both very scared as well. There are so many things running through our minds; too numerous to count!!
The packing is going well, however. I have lots of pictures and books packed up, but so far, no one room is complete. I can't bring myself to take down all my pictures; I still want it to feel like a home, not just some place we're staying during our transition. I do know this: I have entirely too many clothes!! 3 boxes of sweaters and 1 box of t shirts and not all are packed up yet! Can you believe it. By the way, I already have 2 full boxes of clothes for a garage sale. Now I need to go through my shoes!
Well I need to sign off now: I was procrastinating finishing my closet; I was getting overwhelmed! Wish us luck as we start tackling other packing obstacles: cleaning out drawers and going through unlabeled, forgotten boxes. Those should be fun: you never know what you'll find!!

By the way: we have only heard from one school district so far. We are going to Pasadena on April 25th for a job fair. Hopefully, it's still a little early for jobs to be posted or for interviews to be done. We hope for April to pick up some.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

For Harmony and Lauren

Reese and Claire during our dinner together at Cowboys when Harmony came down to do "tax stuff"! Hope you guys enjoy!!

YES, we're still here!

It has been a LONG time since I last updated; I have been really BAD lately. After Christmas, things have been moving at light speed. We got done with solo & ensemble contest, then went to TMEA. We talked to alot of schools about possible jobs for next year. The two most promising are Waco and Pasadena. We'll see how it works out. Reuben and I have been frantically filling out applications since we got back. We haven't heard from anyone yet, but it's still early. I just feel really anxious about the whole situation.
At school I have been even MORE busy. I am co-directing the third hs band with Rocky, but I have been doing all the sectionals for it--often until 7 PM every night. I am also co-directing the second jh band with Reuben. Yes, we're co-directing again!!! So far, we're doing okay. ONLY two weeks until contest (yes, we're going BEFORE spring break this year!!). The good news is that it will be out of the way so we can enjoy ourselves and concentrate on finding jobs.
On another note, I cut my hair to right above the shoulders. I know this isn't a big deal, but my hair was REALLY long! I finally got tired of only being able to put it up or pull it back, so I got at least 6 inches chopped off. I think it looks good, and it's way easier to fix now. I'll have to get Reuben to take a picture sometime so I can show everyone. I think I look younger and more professional (a plus when looking for a new job!).
I forgot, I got to see James Galway at TMEA this year. Reuben took me to a concert he did for Valentine's day, and then I went to a clinic he gave on the last day. I even got my picture taken with him!! Reuben's jazz band that he plays in, the West Texas Jazz Orchestra, played at TMEA for the ATSSB all state students. A trombone player named Ron Wilkins did some numbers with them, so afterwards I got Reuben to take a picture with him.

There's still so much more to catch up on. On Monday, Feb. 18th, our refinery had a major explosion. It was felt all the way to San Angelo. We were in our first period of beginner band at Goliad when it happened around 8:20. It blew our doors open. I thought it was kids messing around, so I went outside to see what was going on. I went around the back of the band hall where I saw a huge cloud of smoke. By the time first period ended, all the sixth grade was sent back to class, and Washington and Moss elementaries were evacuated to Goliad. By the start of 3rd period, school was shut down. Thankfully, no one was killed at the refinery; there were only 4 injuries. God was looking out for everyone that day. It was very scary because we have lots of kids in band whose parents work out at Alon. By the next day, school was back in session, and things were back to somewhat normal.