Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yes, we are STILL alive

Sorry to the 5 (or fewer) people that actually read our blog. Reuben and I got busy after we came back from our two week "vacation" due to Hurricane IKE. Reuben has done an orchestra concert, all region and all city try-outs, and is currently getting ready for his Christmas concert. I have done two musicals so far: one with 4th grade in October and the other with 5th grade this last week.....
I have my 3rd grade program on Dec. 11th, so I'm trying to get ready for that. I found out I can be pretty creative when it comes to decorating our stage. I guess I'm more crafty than I thought. When I have more time I'll post pictures from my two programs.
No news on the baby front yet. I have found out that several of the teachers I hang out with at school have had the same procedures I have had, and they have kids now; so I know that THERE IS HOPE. I have the names of several good doctors here. Now if I could only get my insurance card! It's been 3 months, and I still haven't gotten it! They are supposed to be sending me another one, but who knows when it will get here!
I've been really bad about checking my email, too so..... SORRY if you have been trying to talk to me! I promise I'll get better.