Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yes, we are STILL alive

Sorry to the 5 (or fewer) people that actually read our blog. Reuben and I got busy after we came back from our two week "vacation" due to Hurricane IKE. Reuben has done an orchestra concert, all region and all city try-outs, and is currently getting ready for his Christmas concert. I have done two musicals so far: one with 4th grade in October and the other with 5th grade this last week.....
I have my 3rd grade program on Dec. 11th, so I'm trying to get ready for that. I found out I can be pretty creative when it comes to decorating our stage. I guess I'm more crafty than I thought. When I have more time I'll post pictures from my two programs.
No news on the baby front yet. I have found out that several of the teachers I hang out with at school have had the same procedures I have had, and they have kids now; so I know that THERE IS HOPE. I have the names of several good doctors here. Now if I could only get my insurance card! It's been 3 months, and I still haven't gotten it! They are supposed to be sending me another one, but who knows when it will get here!
I've been really bad about checking my email, too so..... SORRY if you have been trying to talk to me! I promise I'll get better.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back to Normal

Hello everyone! Well things are FINALLY back to normal here in the big metropolis of Houston. After getting out of school on Thursday, September 11th, I finally was able to go back to school on Wednesday, September 23rd for a teacher workday. Kids at Sorters Mill started back on Thursday. Reuben had his workday on Friday, September 26th and his kids started back on Monday the 29th in Baytown. It was quite an experience for our FIRST natural disaster. It's funny, we never even thought about hurricanes when we moved here; then all of the sudden we had Dolly, Eduardo, (can't remember the "F"), Gustav, Hanna, then Ike. We lost power, had trouble finding food or gas, and had NOTHING to watch. I never thought I was so addicted to TV until I couldn't watch it!
After losing power on Saturday morning at 1 AM we finally hit the road with both dogs in tow and headed to Arlington. The Mallett family became our "shelter" for several days. However, we got to catch up with our good friends and "my" kids. I got to play with Ryland, Raylee, and Reese. All three have grown up so much! Reuben and I even got to take the kids for ice cream while Harmony did some work at her office. Reuben also got to go see some rehearsals of the Legacy HS band while we were there. "Ike" gave us a good excuse to go visit them!!
We headed back home to Humble on Wednesday after the hurricane to see if we had power yet. No luck, until about 6 PM that night our complex got a generator hooked up, so we were able to do some laundry and head out the next day to Arkansas to see Reuben's parents and brothers. It was a good visit. We were finally able to see his Dad's college band perform at a game
But you know how it is: you get bored when you don't have something TO DO. We both really love our jobs and kids, and I don't know about Reuben, but I was READY to go back!
God truly blessed us when we got these jobs. We weren't living in Baytown, Texas City, Galveston, or any towns south of Houston where most of the damage was done. None of our property was damaged, so being out of power for a little while was worth it.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that we SURVIVED IKE!!!! We should get t-shirts made!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

In case you have not heard, there is a hurricane headed for south of Houston. We are going to try and ride it out. I don;t think we will get the bad stuff, just rain and wind. If the power goes out, and we just can't seem to function, we will head to Arlington.

This is a new experience for us. We came from West Texas, ie no rain or moisture of any kind most of the time. Here it's humid most of the time, can have rain for days at a time and oh yeah--Hurricanes. Dolly wasn't bad, just rain. Edouard we didn't get anything, Gustav, nothing. Now Ike. We'll see how this one goes.

Shannon and I are both out of school Friday, and I also get Monday off. Shannon has to go if the power is still on.

We are both really enjoying our jobs. NO FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. That has been great. I know Shannon doesn't miss it, but I do a little. I'm not through with band, but I really am enjoying orchestra. It's a different type of kid.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The FIRST Day of School

Okay one and all; I didn't know how popular I was! Sorry I have been updating like I should. Well, Reuben and I both made it through the first day of school. Reuben says that this is the best start he has EVER had. He likes his kids and his coworkers. He was really apprehensive about doing orchestra since he hadn't taught it before, but he's an old pro now.
I was a little leary of the young ones--the kinders and 1st graders. I did't know how short of an attention span the Ks had until I tried to teach them the Hokey Pokey. I now know that they DO NOT know their right hand from the left, nor can they follow instructions. I think I repeated my self at least ten times for ONE instruction. However, I just simplified my lesson and kept going. I really enjoy my 3rd and 4th graders and SOMETIMES 5th graders. The boys are the talkative ones here! 2nd grade needs to do a lot of growing up over the year. They are great kids, but still a little immature.
The best thing about elementary is that they love their music teacher. I get hugs every day, even though I might not know their name. There is one drawback: I only get 2nd through 5th grades one day a week for 55 minutes. That makes learning their names pretty hard on me. Ks and 1st graders I see twice a week for 25 minutes each time. My schedule is pretty neat, too:
4th Grade 8:30 -- 9:25
3rd Grade 9:30 -- 10:25
2nd Grade 10:30 -- 11:25
lunch 11:25 -- 12:25
1st Kinder 12:25 -- 12:50
2nd Kinder 12:55 -- 1:20
1st 1st Grade 1:25 -- 1:50
2nd 1st Grade 1:55 -- 2:20
5th Grade 2:25 -- 3:20
One of my kinder classes is being dissolved because it is a biligual class that will be divided up between the other three teachers. So that means a free Monday and Friday during K time!!

Anyway, here are some pictures.

My desk in my room.

My keyboard (which won't get much use) and my 2 computers!

The back wall of my classroom. I have tons of cabinets! That means I can get more stuff, right?

The Time Out Area. That's where they go when they're being BAD!

View of my room from the back corner.

View of my room from the front corner.

My class rules board by my desk.

Another view of the room from behind my desk.

A front view of my desk. Those bins ar for papers that the students will turn in.

The front of Sorters Mill Elementary.

View of Sorters Mill from the bus lanes.

Outside view of my room. Can you tell I have a jungle theme this year?

View of my room as you walk in.

The last view of my desk. I know I have a lot of stuff, but I don't care!

You may be asking what those things on the floor are. They ae pizza pans I got at the Dollar Store and drew a staff on. Then we use magnets to practice naming our lines and spaces. I found out you have to be pretty resourceful as an elementary teacher. I also put down white duct tape on the floor to make a giant staff.

It was funny, the other day my principal came in to borrow a pen. She said I took to elementary pretty well with all the decorating I did. She called me a "Closet Elementary Person" because I had taught secondary for so long, but had adapted well.
I took it as a compliment. I really feel like I belong here. This is the friendliest, most helpful school I have EVER been at. I feel truly blessed.

Oh, yeah; Reuben really feels like he found his place as well.

Well, this post has gone on FOREVER. I should go and get everyone ready for bed.
I promise to post more often.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

20 Reasons Why Elementary Music is BETTER than Band

Now that I have more time, I thought I'd count the reasons why being an elementary music teacher is WAY better than being a band director (even though I don't know what I'm doing yet):

1. No more summer camps with colorguard.
2. No more writing routines during the summers.
3. No more sectionals after school.
4. No more flag practices on Wednesday afternoons!
5. No more being at school at 7 AM (unless I WANT to).
6. No more staying at school until 9 or 10 PM (and I WON'T be either).
7. No more trying to keep the peace between 27 teenage girls.
8. No more Monday night rehearsals.
9. No more trying to decipher drill charts.
10. No more fitting band uniforms.
11. No more SUMMER BAND!!!
12. No more band class during the hottest part of the day -- NOON!
13. No more riding buses to out-of-town football games.
14. Oh, and no more FOOTBALL games!!
15. No more working on the weekends.
16. No more giving up weekends for contests.
17. No more travelling between 3 schools to teach 5 classes. (I get to stay put now.)
18. No more trying to get along with 3 other directors (my husband included).
19. No more following someone else's orders (unless it's my principal's).
20. And finally, I get to do what I want to do when I want to do it!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25, 1997

Reuben and I have truly been blessed throughout this whole ordeal, but I wanted to stop and take a few minutes to remember someone very special to me. Eleven years ago on July 25th, my Mom passed away from cancer after a seven year battle. That has affected me greatly every day since. She was my comfort, someone I knew I could always go to. She loved Shelly and me more than anything. She always made time to come see us in San Angelo at school and to come see us play. She loved hearing us play our flutes, especially when we were doing it together. Even in her last few months while she was having holistic treatments in San Antonio, she came down to hear my last recital. She was very special.
Reuben got to meet her; I am thankful for that. He was able to see how wonderful and loving and special she was. Unfortunately she did not see us get married.

I hope that she would be proud of the things we have accomplished. However, I know she wouldn't haved liked us moving so far away! She always liked to come see us.

But I know she's in a better place and I'll see her again one day. I know she's taking care of our other loved ones who are with her.

I love you Mom, and I miss you every day.

Shelly, Mom, and me--I don't know who's who or when it was taken, but I thought it was a good picture.

Mom holding the two of us. My dad's mom, Grandma Chrisman was a twin, too. I have this picture and one of my great-grandma holding Grandma and Great Aunt Sonoma together.

This is of Great Grandma Jurecek (Grannie's mom) Grannie, Mom and us.

This last one is of Mom when she was in her early twenties. Wasn't she pretty? Reuben thinks I look more like her than Shelly does. I hope so!!

There's always something to do

Today Reuben and I went to IKEA! Yes, there is one in Houston, right on I 10. We had a blast (well, at least I did). Reuben got to eat Swedish meatballs, and I got to look at EVERYTHING. We are mostly set on furniture (we even gave some away), so we went to look at barstools. Well, no barstools, but I did get some candles (yeah!) and some glass containers for both bathrooms. I was going to take a picture while we were there, but I forgot.

Yesterday (Friday), we went to eat at Spring Creek Barbecue (yes Leland, we have one here, too!) with some people from church. They have brother's keepers groups at the church we go to. Everyone has been very friendly and helpful. We had a good time and enjoyed getting to know them.
After dinner, we went to Petsmart to get the boys some bones, and Old Navy to buy me some new flip flops (that's why we bought bones for the boys, they think my shoes are their chew toys!).

On Thursday night, we both went to a rehearsal for the Houston Symphonic Band. We both decided to join it so we could keep playing our instruments. They meet every Thursday from 7 to 9:30. It was fun, but I can tell I am REALLY out of shape. I haven't played since school got out.

Wednesday was church night of course. We really enjoyed the lesson. I feel very at home at this church. I just miss the old group, still.

Then last Friday, July 18th, was our ninth anniversary. We were glad we didn't have to spend it in Big Spring. We went to the Woodlands to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (there are TWO in Houston, the other is in the Galleria Mall downtown.) After that, we did some shopping for the apartment. Then that night, we ate at Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. It was a great day. Reuben even surpised me with roses! Of course, the camera is being stupid, so I can't show you them yet. I will in a later post.

So as I said before, there is always something to do here in the Houston suburbs!

The entry way and the Dogs

We live on the third floor, yes I said the THIRD floor. Two flights of stairs up and down every day. The first picture is of the outside of our building. Ours is the top balcony on the left.

The next picture is of our cars from our balcony. It's a race every day to get a parking space in front of our building, so when we get one it's a prize.

The next two are of our front entry way. It's narrow, but there is enough room for a table. That is the stopping point for keys, my purse, school bags, dog leashes, mail, etc. That is why nothing is piled on the dining table!

Even the dogs got new blue IDs for their collars, but you probably can't see them. They have adjusted to apartment living fairly well. They have conquered the stairs (both were afraid when we first moved in, so we had to carry them the first time). They know what to do when we say "OUT". They go to the basket where we keep their harnesses and wait for us. Bandit even helps us put his on! He'll lower his head and lift his feet so we can get it on him. Buddy is a little more stubborn. They walk very well on leashes and have been all around the complex. They are hits with the older ladies!

Buddy on his favorit perch.

Bandit giving me "the look".

Bedroom and Computer/Second Bedroom

The first couple of pictures are of the guest bathroom. The tub is HUGE!! It's called a garden tub, and both bathrooms have one. It's nice a deep, so I can take bubble baths any time I want.

A few pictures of the second bedroom. We have our futon and the computer in it because there wasn't room for a regular bed AND everything else.

Another couple of the guest bathroom. Isn't it pretty?

The next two are of the master bathroom. They got mixed up when I started adding them to the blog. I may get a new shower curtain for our bathroom somewhere down the line.

The next two are of the second bedroom again. As you can see, the Disney shrine survived the move!! There were only a few scrapes and scratches. The top of the hutch nearly caved in, but it's okay now.

The last ones are of the master bedroom. It's not as big as we are used to, but it's okay. Our window faces the east, so we get woken up very early every morning. I will be putting up curtains in the VERY near future.

Let the blogging begin!!!!!!!

Okay everyone, I finally have everything the way I want it so here we go. There are so many things I want to tell you all about, so there will probably be several posts coming. First of all, I want to show some pictures of our new "home" (okay, apartment, but it is very nice.)

The first couple will be of the living/dining/kitchen area. They all flow into one another. What I like about it is that I can work in the kitchen and watch TV or talk to Reuben at the same time. No more walking to the living room and back to ask a question. Also, we get to eat at the table!!!! No more junk will be piled up on it. We also have an island in the kitchen that we can use as a breakfast bar; we just need to buy some bar stools. (Yeah! More shopping for me!!)